
Best cove party darkest dungeon
Best cove party darkest dungeon

best cove party darkest dungeon

For this reason, taking a Bounty Hunter or an Occultist to use their skills that allow them to pull backline enemies to the frontline is usually a good idea. Many enemies that are in the backline are very fast and can cause your team to have a high stress count if you don't kill them fast enough. Having at least 1 backliner that pulls or a way to deal with the opposing backline.What you do with these frontliners is also very fluid: You can have a team centered around buffing a Leper so that his low ACC isn't much of an issue, or a build centered around stunning the entire enemy team with a frontline Hellion and a backline Plague Doctor. Generally, however, this will be either a Hellion, Highwayman, or Leper, due to their very high damage output. This one is a little bit more fluid, as you can have many different classes take up this role. Having at least 1 dedicated frontliner that deals damage to enemies'.This doesn't mean your party needs a healer, however it is highly recommended you take one for regular parties. The preference on taking which one depends on the person, as Occultist has more utility while Vestals have a higher chance to actually recover the health of your party.

best cove party darkest dungeon

This will usually be a Vestal or an Occultist, as their backline capabilities are greater than that of a Crusader or Leper, and their heals can recover the health of your party by a much higher amount.

  • Having at least 1 dedicated backline that heals the party.
  • There are 3 different factors that usually make up a good team: This page is dedicated to party compositions that work well in Darkest Dungeon.

    Best cove party darkest dungeon